Ready steady GO Make-Up Make-overs
If you're needing to be out the door in no time at all, then come and get a quick Make-Up make-over.
We have mastered the Make-Up make-over in record time.
This doesn't mean you won't get a top quality finish using top quality products...oh no, you get the works but for a fraction of the time.
So if you're needing to get to that meeting, perhaps a luncheon, even a dinner date, or finally getting out from parenting and want to look your best but don't have the time, then you need a quickie make-up.
Sometimes you don't have an hour to spend but still want to look refreshed without anyone knowing that you've had a professional Make-up make-over.
We'll give you back your time with a:
30 minute Make-Up make-over. We still use professional products with a professional finish and give you false eyelashes, a lip brush & sponge too.
You'll be amazed how simply divine you will look in such a short amount of time.
(videos are on there way)...